Thus far it’s only shown up at Toys R Us and LEGO Stores, but it should hit all major retailers in the next week or so.

The Sentinel set is part of the LEGO Marvel Summer 2014 wave.

That’s a rare design oversight on LEGO’s part that I’m surprised by. There’s also a sort of tool box all the way in the back of the cabin of the LEGO Blackbird jet, but the way the set has been engineered, you can’t actually open the toolbox without removing the back seat entirely. In addition, Cyclops has only one facial expression and no reversible head–so he’s permanently going to have that bland, half-smiling expression on his face. If you can wait until a sale to snag this set, you may be better-served. Even with there being some large and unique pieces in this set, $49.99 for a set with 336 pieces is still pretty extreme. The set has a couple of downsides, but I maintain that the primary one is the price-tag. Gone are the day of weak, lame “flickfire” missiles–the new-for-2014 spring-loaded missile launchers really shoot! Perhaps the coolest feature, however, are the spring-loaded missiles! The missile launchers are ordinarily hidden away, but a hinge allows them to come up and forward to blast the LEGO Sentinel. The front hatch and the body of the LEGO 76022 Blackbird open up so you can see inside and place your minifigures. Like many of the better-looking LEGO Star Wars vehicles, the LEGO Blackbird jet is much smoother and sleeker than vintage LEGO collectors may be expecting. The Blackbird LEGO vehicle is actually quite impressive-looking, and shows very few exterior studs. He’s brick-built and easily four times the size of a typical LEGO minifigure, so the Sentinel makes quite as imposing foe for your LEGO X-Men minifigures to face off with. There’s also a fifth figure included, but no one could call it a mini figure: the first-ever LEGO Sentinel figure! My preference is always for the classic blue and fuschia color scheme for Sentinels, but this Sentinel LEGO figure looks alright even with the pink/purple colors. The dual-color lightning bolt attachments that Storm comes with look super cool, and it’s exciting to get LEGO minifigures of Storm and Cyclops for the first time. The set includes a LEGO Wolverine (Brown Costume) minifigure, a LEGO Storm minifigure, a LEGO Cyclops minifigure, and a LEGO Magneto minifigure (in his old Xavier School Headmaster costume). Most X-Men fans are going to be more interested in the LEGO X-Men figures included in this set than anything else, and those fans are in for a real treat, as this set includes the best selection of LEGO X-Men minifigures ever (not that there’s much competition, seeing as how this is only the second LEGO Marvel X-Men set). The Sentinel set will look quite like it did in the new movie, LEGO has still given us a Summer 2014 LEGO Marvel X-Men set that is very heavily influenced by the content of this summer’s X-Men Days of Future Past movie. Thus, while nothing in the 76022 LEGO X-Men vs. All products are produced on-demand and shipped worldwide within 2 - 3 business days. The digital art may be purchased as wall art, home decor, apparel, phone cases, greeting cards, and more. IPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad iPad, iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini 3, iPad Mini 4, 9.So while we may never get LEGO Hugh Jackman and Halle Berry minifigures, that doesn’t mean LEGO would forgo the chance to cash in on one of the summer’s hottest movies. Lego X-Men Days of Future Past is a piece of digital artwork by Mike Napolitan which was uploaded on May 22nd, 2014.
#Lego x men days of future past pro
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